Friday, October 26, 2012

Keep your Facebook deals off the newsfeed!

Every single day, there are thousands of great Facebook contests to enter and plenty of amazing offers to be had. But far too often, fear of a little thing I like to call "newsfeed judgement" (newsfeed judgement=harsh judgement of a person's occasionally embarrassing Facebook activity) overshadows a desire to score free loot.

Keep your money-saving ventures under wraps by following this simple tip: when the app consent page pops up, change your settings to "Only Me".
keep facebook activity off newsfeed
"Thank goodness nobody can see that I just secretly ordered a pair of Crocs."

This way, whatever you do in the app will be for your eyes only. When the next page pops up asking whether or not the app can post on your behalf click "skip".

So enter contests galore and don't be concerned if you see "Allison just won a free package of pantyliners in the Kotex Spin to Win game"! Because even if the app posts for you, you'll be the only one who is able to see damage done. Good luck!

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